Section: New Software and Platforms

ATLAS model weaver

ATLAS Model Weaver

Keywords: Model - Metamodel - Weaving model

Scientific Description

AMW is a component-based platform for model weaving that can be used to establish and manage abstract correspondences between models. The platform is generic and based on the Eclipse contribution mechanism: components are defined in separate plugins. The plugins are further interconnected to create the model weaver workbench. Components for user interface, matching algorithms and serialization of models may be plugged as necessary. We extended the Eclipse EMF architecture for model manipulation to coordinate the weaving actions. We use the EMF reflective API to obtain a standard weaving editor which adapts its interface according to metamodels modifications. The ATL transformation engine is plugged as the standard transformation platform.

Functional Description

The AMW is a tool for establishing relationships (i.e., links) between models. The links are stored in a model, called weaving model. It is created conforming to a weaving metamodel.

  • Participants: Jean Bézivin, Erwan Breton, Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, Guillaume Gueltas, Frédéric Jouault and Patrick Valduriez

  • Contact: Frédéric Jouault

  • URL: http://www.eclipse.org/gmt/amw/